Montgomery County Public Schools DAE: Evaluations | Destiny Library Manager


Record Information

Type: Library Material
Title: Redeployment (DISAPPROVED)
Publisher: Penguin
ISBN: 9780143126829
Copyright: 2015
Author:Klay, Phil
Price: 16.00
Material Attributes:Paperback

Evaluation Information

Recommendation Status: disapproved
Created By:Sarah Way
Subject Unit:Fiction(FIC)
Grade Level:11, 12
Appropriate Audience:FCR (Free Choice Reading)
Restrictions:Are there any problematic areas that a peer using this material may encounter?
Subject matter is adult in content. For adults only. Many instances of violence, drugs and language. Demeaning to women and does not contribute to a healthy or mature male mindset.
Describe the material:Include description of contents and their intended purpose.
Library Journal (January 1, 2014)
The Iraq War and its aftermath is the subject of this powerful and unflinching compendium, which explores the true cost of serving in combat on the human body and, more important, the human psyche. The title story focuses on the alienation of a soldier returning to domestic life after experiencing the brutality of serving on the front lines. "Money as a Weapons System" concerns a foreign service officer who discovers another side of war's absurdity when he is forced to teach a group of Iraqis how to play baseball to satisfy the whims of a wealthy political donor. "Praying in the Furnace" movingly portrays a Catholic chaplain who comes to understand the nature of faith after all illusion is stripped away as he ministers to soldiers who face death daily. VERDICT Klay brilliantly captures the alternating terror and banality of modern war in details such as soldiers who relax by playing video games after returning to their quarters from a patrol. Harrowing at times and blackly comic at others, the author's first collection could become for the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts what Tim O'Brien's The Things They Carried is for the Vietnam War.
Evaluate the material:What is its relationship to MCPS curriculum?
Free choice reading
Analyze the material:List material's strengths and weaknesses.
National Book Award Winner
First Signature: Coordinator, E&S
First Signature Date: 9/26/2018
Second Signature: Sarah Way 5/23/2016
School Number: 234